The performance Release the Horses (fka hydra) was commissioned by the Office of Public Programs and Engagement at Columbia University School of the Arts for the Year of Water. In 2019, Phoebe Osborne began developing a trio titled hydra; a many-headed collective body in constant change, set to be performed in April 2020. Due to the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, hydra lost this particular tendril of existence and a new solo work, Release the Horses (fka hydra), took its place. This solo attends to a void while carrying the imprints of hydra and the many voices that it held.

Choreography and performance: Phoebe Osborne
Sound Score: Colin Self
Costume Design: Anne Cousineau
Videography: Lazar Bozic with assistance by Sam Taffel
Pre-pandemic Collaborators: Talya Epstein (performer), Lu Yim (performer)
Image on “Collaborations” page: Phoebe Osborne